Interactive Soundart Projects
___Calling the Glacier________________________________Exhibitions
Ausstellungen, Konferenzen, Installationen etc.
52. Biennale di Venezia 2007. Calling the Glacier - Installation, first presentation.
Mobile Journey. Contemporary art - mobility - new technologies, Venice International University (VIU), San Servolo.
Calling the Glacier is part of overtures - an interdisciplinary art project about resources. In collaboration with artcircolo & Vodafone Group Research & Development Germany. With the help of the Commission for Glaciology of the Bavarian Academy of Sciences and Humanities, Munich. Mobile Journey curated by Lorella Scacco.
Sound-performance at the opening by Kunst oder Unfall (aka Augusta & Kalle Laar).

Installation elements: Call me-business cards; signboard & posters; Call me-banner; stand with business cards and hand-out scientific text by Dr. Ludwig Braun, (then) director of the Comission for Glaciology; three videos: Untitled (Gauging station), Untitled (Vernagtbach), untitled (Wind meter), three small screens.
YPMS - Your Personal Message Sculpture. SMS-programmable lcd screen, MDF, piano finish (Klavierlack), YPMS - banner.
The lcd screen of the sculpture showed hourly updated data from the Vernagt Ferner glacier.
Lorenzo Cinotti, creative prog. dir., Stefano Micelli, VIU dean and Kalle Laar call the glacier